What is Chummies??

Chummies began as a blog for; by my own definition "Childfree Mummies".  Any couples or singles that are childfree or childless.

HOWEVER!!! the further the blog has progressed the more I became conflicted with purely linking the content to being childfree/less related.  As this went against my natural instincts of not actually being consumed, obsessed or even a dweller on categorising myself to this.

In establishing this blog I never sought out to isolate the genre.  I began this blog as I noticed the overwhelming presence of mommy bloggers however their content is directly linked and solely aimed at just that; being a mummy.

So Chummies has evolved to become::
A boutique destination, a get together that exists to inspire, motivate and support fellow chummies encouraging each other in their endeavours, careers and general being.

Open to all Chummies -
Chummies meaning by dictionary definition of the word chummy:
Friendly, close, affectionate, buddies
Whether childless, childfree, male, female, mother father, parents, widows whatever.
This is a positive non-judgemental platform of encouragement, love, life and laughter, remembering who we are and remembering the important things in life.

Mission is to inspire, motive and support chummies to celebrate the good things in life. To enjoy their spare time rather than worry about what could be, should have been, or is!.  My wish is for us all to relish in the now!!! 

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